Nordic summit: presentations available

The first Antilope summit was held 21 January 2014 in Odense, Denmark, for stakeholders in the Nordic and Baltic countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden).  Around 50 participants from more than 10 countries were represented with participation from national authorities, competence centres, regions and international organisations.

Presentations from the summit can be found below.

Welcome to Medcom
Henrik Bjerregaard, Jensen, CEO, MedCom

Antilope – Background, purpose, outcome 
Ib Johansen, MedCom

Interoperability testing in Scandinavian Countries. How is it performed in Finland, Norway and Denmark.

Thomas Tveit, Rosenlund Helsedirektoratet

Konstantin Hyppönen, Kela

Ib Johansen, MedCom

Comments and questions regarding the Nordic summit can be directed at Mie H. Matthiesen. See information on contact page.